WhatsApp Notification Addon

Important Note: This Addon will only work if the ARMember plugin is installed with version 5.5.1 or higher

It will allow you to send WhatsApp notifications to users and admin for various events using the ARMember membership plugin.

Steps For Installation And Activation

You can install the plugin in the following two ways. and ARMember – WhatsApp Notification Addon requires ARMember Plugin installed and active.

New install via FTP

  1. Download the plugin and extract it. You will find a directory armemberwhatsapp.
  2. In your WordPress installation directory, upload armemberwhatsapp to wp-content/plugins/
  3. Activate the ARMember - WhatsApp Notification Addon plugin through the Plugins menu from the WordPress admin panel.

New install via the WordPress Uploader

  1. Download the plugin.
  2. Log in to your WordPress admin panel
  3. Go to Plugins -> Add New -> Upload
  4. Click on “choose file” and browse the download package. When the plugin uploads successfully, click on Activate Plugin.

Steps to Setup WhatsApp Notification Addon For Your Website

Let’s setup ARMember – WhatsApp Notification for your website :

  1. After activating the addon, WhatsApp Notification section will be displayed in ARMember -> General Settings -> WhatsApp Notification section.

    Please see below screen,

  2. To start sending WhatsApp Notifications to users you have to select a predefined configured WhatsApp gateway from the list.

    Below are the predefined WhatsApp notification Gateway:

    • Twilio
    SID Account SID
    Token Auth Token
    From From Number

    If you do not have a Twilio account, then create one from here.

    To get the “Account SID” and “Auth Token”. Access Twilio with login and go to Account -> Keys & Credentials -> API Keys & tokens -> get account sid and auth token.

    Please see below screen,

  3. After selecting WhatsApp gateway you have to fill in the required fields to activate WhatsApp gateway.

  4. After selecting WhatsApp gateway you have to select Mobile Number Field. If your registration form don’t have mobile number field than please create that from ARMember -> Manage Forms -> Registration/Sign up forms.

    Important Note:If your form don’t have Mobile Number field than this addon will not work.

  5. “Send WhatsApp Notification Field” label. It allows to set checkbox label which will be displayed below mobile number field in plan purchase form.

    Please below screen,

    ARMember will send WhatsApp Notification when “Send WhatsApp Notification Field” is checked.

    Members can also enable or disable receving WhatsApp notification from Edit Profile form. By setting “Send WhatsApp Notification Field”.

  6. Select Default Country Code either Fixed or Dynamic. If you choose “Dynamic” then the “country” field must exist in your signup form and it’s meta key must be “country”.

    Please see below screen,

  7. You can check WhatsApp gateway configuration is correct or not by using Send Test WhatsApp.

    Important Note:Mobile number must be start with country code.

  8. Enable Debug Mode, enable it to write notification status into a log file.

  9. Enable “Notification on purchase membership plan” to send a notification when the user purchases any Membership plan.

    Enter message content which will be used to send to user as message content.

  10. Enable “Notification on Password Change” to notify user when their account’s password is changed.

    Enter message content which will be used to send to user as message content.

  11. Enable “Cancel Membership Plan” to notify user when their membership plan is canceled by the admin or user.

    Enter message content which will be used to send to user as message content.

  12. Enable “Before Expire Membership Plan” to notify user when their membership plan will going to expire.

    Enter message content which will be used to send to user as message content.

  13. Enable “Before Recurring Payments due (auto & manual payment)” to notify users when their Recurring payment will going to expire.

    Enter message content which will be used to send to user as message content.

  14. Enable “Send WhatsApp notification to Admin?” to send all above enabled notifications to admin also when any of the events are executed from them.

    Enter the admin mobile number on which all notifications will be executed.

    Important Note:Mobile number must be start with country code.

  15. Click Save Button. Now All is Set.