Digital Download Addon

Digital Download

Important Note: This Addon will only work if ARMember plugin is installed with version 2.0 or higher

This addon will allow you to upload files for users to download and set various permission on it that who can download it.

It is very easy and simple interface to create download link shortcode. By placing just one shortcode you can allow specific users to download file.

Steps For Installation And Activation

You can install plugin in following two ways. and ARMember – Digital Download plugin requires ARMember Plugin installed and active.

New install via FTP

  1. Download Addon and extract it. You will find a directory armemberdigitaldownload.
  2. In your WordPress installation directory, upload armemberdigitaldownload to wp-content/plugins/
  3. Activate the ARMember - Digital Download through the Plugins menu from WordPress admin panel.

New install via the WordPress Uploader

  1. Download Addon.
  2. Log in to your WordPress admin panel
  3. Go to Plugins -> Add New -> Upload
  4. Click on “choose file” and browse the download package. When the Addon uploads successfully, click on Activate Plugin.

Steps to Setup Digital Download For Your Website

Let’s setup ARMember – Digital Download Addon for your website :

  1. When plugin activated, Digital Download pages will be displayed under ARMember. Please see below screen.

    ARMember Menu

  2. For view list of all Downloads with download details go to the Manage Download menu from the admin interface.

  3. To view list of all history of downloads with their details go to the Manage download history menu from the admin interface.

  4. Download basic settings are available in Download Settings. To get more detail about this section, please click here.

Manage Download

To view list of all download with their details go to the Manage Download menu from the admin interface.

Here you are able to see all downloads listed with their details like Name, Permission, Download(Number of how many users are download.), Access (Enable/Disable) of the Download, Generate Shortcode, Download Added Date. Also Download Name and Download(Number of how many users are download.) column is sortable here.

Please see below screen.

Manage Download Items

  • Bulk Actions

  • This option will be helpful when same action need to be performed on multiple download rows at same time.

    • 1. Delete

      Select number of rows that you want to delete and select Delete Bulk Action then click on Go button.

  • Actions

  • For each row of grid there are some action options provided which are as following

    • 1. Edit

      At each row you have Icon for EDIT download at right side, by clicking on it you will be redirected to page where you will be allowed to Update download Details.

      You can update download’s basic field like Name, Description, Type, Download Files, Permission & Tags

    • 2. Generate Shortcode

      Generate shortcode by just one click on Generate Shortcode Button, by clicking on it you will get popup in which you can add Display Description, Display File Size, Display Download Count , Link Type & CSS parameter that you want to require.

    • 3. Enable & Disable

      You can ENABLE or DISABLE download using single switch.

    • 4. Delete

      Each download can be deleted by just one click on DELETE Icon at right side.

  • Search

  • You have Search Box at top of the grid plus other filter options are also available which are FILTER BY ACCESS (ENABLE/DISABLE).

  • Add Item

  • You have a button at top, by clicking on Add download Item button you will be redirected to page from where you can add download manually.

    Add New Download

    Manage Download History

    View list of all Download history with their details go to the Manage Download History menu from the admin interface.

    Here you are able to see all download history listed with their details like Name, Username(Display if user is loggedin), IP Address, Browser, Country, Download Date Time. Also Username and Download Date Time column is sortable here.

    Please see below screen.


  • Bulk Actions

  • This option will be helpful when same action need to be performed on multiple download rows at same time.

    • 1. Delete

      Select number of rows that you want to delete and select Delete Bulk Action then click on Go button.

  • Actions

  • For each row of grid there are some action options provided which are as following

    • 1. Delete

      Each download history can be deleted by just one click on DELETE Icon at right side.

  • Search

  • You have Search Box at top of the grid plus other filter options are also available which are FILTER BY DOWNLOAD ITEMS & FILTER BY DATE TIME.

    Download Settings

    Go to the Download Settings menu from the admin interface.

    Let’s check each option in detail:

    Please see below screen.


  • Count only uniqe IP address

  • If you will enable the setting then same exact file, by the same member will not be counted against

  • Prevent hotlinking

  • If enabled, the download handler will check the PHP referer to see if it originated from your site and if not than, redirect them to the homepage.

  • Enable open file in browser

  • If you will enable the setting then specify extenstions file should be displayed in browser (htm, html, pdf, jpg, jpeg, jpe, gif, png, mp3, mp4, flv, ogg, webm)

  • Download multiple file as ZIP

  • If you will enable the setting then mulitple file will be download in ZIP extenstion.

  • Email notification when user download

  • When member download the download item then admin get email notification with download details.

  • Block users for download

  • Here you will be able to select the Users and the selected users will get blocked and won’t be able to download the file.

  • Plan wise block download

  • Here you will be able to select Plans. Selected plans users will be blocked and they are not able to download the file.

  • Block IP download

  • Those IP Address(es) which are entered here will not be able to download the files. Please note that the IP address should match exactly, for example, will be banned if and only if the IP address will match exactly with the user’s actual IP address, otherwise there will be errors or no results.

  • Download File Limit

  • Only this many unique downloads will be permitted every X day(s). Repeated downloads of the same exact file are NOT tabulated against the total.

    Download Shortcodes


    Display Download Shortcode.

    Possible Arguments:
    item_id ID of Download. (Required Parameter)
    show_description Display description of Download.
    show_size Display size of Download.
    show_download_count Display total no of Downloads of file.
    link_type Display Link Type. (link/button) Default: link
    css Modify styling of download item using custom CSS.
    Example: .arm_download_wrapper .arm_download_title {font-size:16px;}
    .arm_download_wrapper .arm_download_title h4 a {color:#000000;}
    .arm_download_wrapper .arm_download_description p{ margin: 0 0 5px 0; }