Basic Information – Form Builder

Setup Signup and Login

To check out the forms you can navigate to ARMemberManage forms section in admin area:

ARMember Provide fully dynamic form builder for :
  1. Signup/Registration

  2. Login

  3. Forgot Password

  4. Change Password

    Change Password

    ARMember does provide a facility to change password for all the logged in members and reset password functionality to reset the password without logging in.

    When a logged in member, want to change their password then you can add the change password shortcode at a page which can be found from the ARMemberManage Forms Other Forms (Login / Forgot Password / Change Password). When a logged in member access to change password page then they will be asked to enter their "Current Password" through which they are logged in and once the correct password is entered then the member can proceed to set a new password.

    When a non-logged is user request for a password through the forget password form then the ARMember does display the New Password and Confirm Password fields only, and the Current Password field will be removed. Check the below provided screenshot as per your requirements.

  5. Edit Member Profile

Form Builder Features

  • Create Unlimited Registration Forms, Login Forms, Forgot Password Forms, Change Password Forms and Edit Profile Forms
  • Embed forms using shortcode in your site
  • Number of ready to use Form Templates are available.
  • Drag & Drop preset fields & user fields support
  • Different Form Layouts are available,
    • Material Outline (default)
    • Standard Style
    • Material Style
    • Rounded Style
  • Ready to use Preset fields & Form fields. (No Need to configure settings.)
  • Font-Awesome icons Support (For form input fields)
  • RTL Support
  • Color Scheme options to customize form layout/design.
  • Field Layout & Label Alignment Options
  • Additional Shortcodes arm_logout for Logout, arm_edit_profile for Edit / Update Profile and arm_social_login for Display Social Network Buttons.