Refund Process

ARMember also lets you set the refund policy under the “Manage Subscriptions” window.

You will find the list of subscriptions by navigating to ARMember > Manage Subscriptions.

You will find a “Refund” button next to the “Cancel” icon at the end of each row.

Manage Subscriptions

When you click on the “Refund” icon, you will find a popup consisting of the “Refund Type” and “Refund Reason” Options.

Manage Subscriptions

As you can see in the above screenshot, you will find two types of refunds, i.e., Full and Partial. A full refund will get your member refunded fully; however, a partial will let you get your member refunded partially, not wholly. You can opt for any option as per your requirement.

However, if you chose “Partial”, it will also ask for the “Refund Amount” as shown below:

Manage Subscriptions

NOTE: The refund will not be executed if the payment method does not support the refund process. Here is the list of payment methods that support refunds:

Manage Subscriptions