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ARMember Add-on Bundle Pack
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ARMember – Fully Customizable WordPress Form Plugin For Membership Website

ARMember Provide fully dynamic form builder for :

  • Registration Forms
  • Other Forms with “Default Set” of (Login form, Forgot Password form, Change Password from )
  • List of Additional Shortcodes (Edit Profile, Logout – with possible arguments and values)

Each form is available in listing with related shortcode and Navigation Link

User Friendly Form Builder Tool Editor

Registration/Signup forms can be editable individually.

Login, Forgot Password & Change Password – All the settings and color theme will apply to those three forms commonly.

Form Editor is available with preset fields, Advanced form fields, Basic and advanced styling and formatting options (Form Options, Color Options, Input Field Options, Label Options, Submit Button Options, Custom Css etc.) Social Login Options, Opt-ins Option at time of registration etc…

More Features :

  • Easy to create unlimited number of forms with drag and drop fields.
  • Ready to use “Form Templates” are available.
  • Ready to use Preset fields and form fields.
  • Post Taxonomy(ex:category..)
  • List of Preset Fields

    • First Name, Last Name, Profile Display Name, Username, Email address, New Password, Confirm password, Gender, Website URL, File Upload, Country, City, Birth date, Biography etc…
  • List of Form Fields:

    • Basic Fields : Textbox, checkbox, Radio buttons, dropdown, text area, password field, file upload, HTML text, section/divider etc..
    • Advanced Fields : User Roles, User Avatar
  • Input Fields Layouts : Standard and Material
  • RTL Support
  • More than 12 color schemes form layouts.
  • Even you can create your own color combinations scheme, according to requirements.
  • Font Awesome Icon Supported
  • Advanced options for input fields,labels,buttons, etc used in the form
  • Allow to add Custom CSS
  • Pre Populated fields are supported in ARMember


Form Popup Functionality

ARMember is providing a List of Fields in the form listing names as “Navigation Link” – You can copy and directly paste to WP Nav Menu Custom Link – The related form will directly pop-up in front end by clicking on that link.

Enable Opt-in Integration at time of Registration

If Opt-ins feature is enable & properly configured, you will find Opt-ins section where you can map registration form with Email Marketing Tools. You just have to select tool & specific list name. We have internally mapped required form fields with Email Marketing Tools.

Map Form Fields with Buddypress Fields

If Buddypress is enable for your site, you can map buddypress fields with ARMember form fields easily.

Map Form Fields with Buddyboss Fields

If Buddyboss is enable for your site, you can map buddypress fields with ARMember form fields easily.