Enable Interaction with Stripe

Stripe Payment Gateway

Please note that while uninstalling ARMember, if any user has auto recurring subscription then that will be canceled from payment gateways.

To activate stripe gateway, you must require Secret Key & Publishable Key. Your API keys are located in your stripe account settings.

Follow below steps to get API Keys:

  • Log in to your Stripe account.
  • Go to “Your Account-> Developers”.
  • “Developers” will bring up sub menu and select the “API Keys”.
  • You will find following two keys from this page: For “Publishable Key” and ”Secret Key”.

ARMember General Settings ( Payment Gateways )

ARMember General Settings ( Payment Gateways )

Here, you can select Non-SCA and SCA method to accept the payment through Stripe.

  • Select Built-in Form Fields for Non-SCA method, which will display the credit card fields in the setup form.
  • Stripe SCA Method Payment Gateway
  • Select SCA Complaint (popup) for SCA method

ARMember General Settings ( Payment Gateways )

For Built-in Form Fields, you can change the label of credit card fields, which will be displayed in the form while submitting the form

For SCA Complaint (popup) Method, you can change the title, pay now button label and also can upload a logo to display in the Stripe Popup.

You can use {arm_selected_plan_title} shortcode in the Popup Title to display Selected Plan Name instead of any Static Title

Logo should have 70px height and 70px width. Logo with other size will not be uploaded

In SCA Complaint Method, credit card details will be collected by Stripe

ARMember-Stripe SCA

In SCA Complaint Method, all the transactions are 3D secure and if the card requires any further authentication, it’ll display a popup box to confirm the payment and reduce the Payment Fraud Disputes.

In case of any error at setup form you may display actual error returned from Stripe payment gateway by enabling Display actual error returned from payment gateway switch as you can see in screen-shot.

You must need to set Trial Period duration in DAYS.

You must need to setup webhooks URL for recurring billing. Please follow below steps to configure webhooks.

Stripe Webhooks
  • Go to “Your Account-> Developers”.
  • “Developers” will bring up sub menu and select the “Webhooks”.
  • Click on “+ Add endpoint” button to add webhook URL.
  • Now, add https://yoursite.com/?arm-listener=arm_stripe_api into URL input.
  • Select all “Events to send” option.
  • Now click on “Add endpoint”. That’s it.

ARMember Stripe Account Settings ( Payment Gateways )

You need to add below given Webhook Events for subscription payment work properly with Stripe Payment Gateway:

  • invoice.payment_succeeded
  • customer.subscription.updated
  • customer.subscription.deleted
  • invoice.payment_failed
  • customer.subscription.created
  • subscription_schedule.canceled

IMPORTANT NOTE: Paid Trial is not supported with recurring plan in stripe. But you can manage such cases in ARMember by following the steps given below:

For ex. If you want to add $5 for trial period of 7 Day in a recurring plan for which billing amount is $20 every month. So, you have to create a subscription plan with 7 Day trial period from your Stripe account. When someone buys this plan, he/she will be charged $5 as one time charge and also $20 as a subscription charge for the first time only. After that he will be charged $20 only every month.

Please note that if your plan created in stripe API has different trial period the first priority of trial period will be considered from ARMember plan.

Go to your ARMember Plan Page and create plan accordingly.

ARMember Stripe-plan Settings ( Payment Gateways )

Go to your ARMember Configure Plan + Signup Page – and Select “Stripe” Payment Gateway. That’s it.

ARMember stripe-setup Settings ( Payment Gateways )

And after successful payment with stripe, you will find 2 payment transactions : 1. Trial Amount 2. Subscription Amount. (This process is automatically managed by ARMember)

ARMember stripe-paymemt_history Settings ( Payment Gateways )

Update Card

ARMember does provide a facility to update the card for the Stripe Payment Gateway, even if your site is using the Stripe in the “Built-in Form” or with “SCA-Complaint Popup” you can allow a member to update there card details.

You can allow the member to update their card details through the Current Membership shortcode. The ARMember does provide the Current Membership Shortcode and here their is an option to enable the update card button through which they can update the card details. Further, if you want to know more on the Current Membership Shortcode then click here and check the detailed documentation on the same.

Kindly check the update card image for the SCA-Complaint Popup:

ARMember stripe-paymemt update card ( Payment Gateways )

Subscription Retries for Failed 3D Secure Authorizations

As per new SCA regulatory, If a subscription payment fails due to authentication issues when using 3D Secure, the payment would not automatically retry based on your retry settings. Unauthorized payments are still considered active, as they are waiting to be authenticated and have not technically failed as payments.

You will need to enable the Send a Stripe Email to Authenticate toggle in your settings and configure the retry settings.

To enable the settings for authenticate email, follow below steps

  • Log into your stripe account at https://dashboard.stripe.com/
  • Click on the settings
  • Click on Subscriptions and email from Billing section. which you can find under the Stripe apps settings.
  • ARMember General Settings ( Payment Gateways )

  • Now enable switches for customer emails under Manage payments that require 3D Secure
  • You can set up to 3 reminders for your customer to complete the payment after payment has been initialized but did not complete 3D authentication. Set as per your requirement
  • ARMember General Settings ( Payment Gateways )

  • Save settings
  • Now if any subscription is initialized but failed due to 3D authentication, Stripe will send an email to your customer to confirm the payment with 3D authencation. Stripe will send the email based on your reminder settings.

Customize the SCA_Complaint Popup

ARMember does provide a facility to customize the popup as per your requirements, you can add the custom css as per your requirements at the ARMember -> General Settings -> Global CSS section, here you can add the CSS to customize the SCA Popup for Stripe Payment Gateway.

Below peovided is the CSS Class Information for the reference:

1. Container class: .arm_stripe_element_wrapper

2. Field Label class: .arm_stripe_field_label

3. Header Container: .arm_stripe_element_wrapper .site_info_row

4. Header Content text: .arm_stripe_element_wrapper .site_title

5. Stripe Input field class: .arm_stripe_field