Opt-ins – Provide Ease of Email Marketing

Email marketing is popular with companies as it is significantly cheaper and faster way to be in market by sending emails to your members.

ARMember->General Settings->Opt-ins section will only available if you activate Opt-ins from ARMember->Add-ons.

ARmember Opt-ins

By using this, your mailing lists will be kept up-to-date automatically when new members join. It is an efficient way to Grow your mailing list.

You can easily add subscribers to your Email Marketer account using our registration form.

You can configure available Email Marketing Tools from this option.

Go to the Opt-ins Tab at General Settings to configure Email Marketing Tools.

To configure tool, you just need to verify your Email Marketer account by entering API key and other required details. And after verification, system will fetch all the list name/campaign name from your account.

After configuration of tool, You will have opt-ins option in registration form – edit form, there you can select configured opt-in tools to add subscriber to list when they register to your site.

So, whenever anyone will register with that form, that user will be added to selected list of specific tool as subscriber automatically. We have internally mapped First Name, Last Name & Email Address field of specific form with Email Marketing Tools.

Following are the simple steps to Activate Email Marketing Tool:


Aweber Email Opt-in

Please note that Aweber mechanism has been changed in ARMember version 3.2. Now it will authorize using ARMember application instead of user’s application. So user do not need to create aweber application.

  1. Please click on Authorize Account button. It will open a dialog box to authenticate your aweber account.


    Note: If you are using ARMember version lower then 3.2 then you need to enter your “Consumer key” and “Consumer Secret” obtained while application was created. Then click on Continue button. It will open a dialog box to authenticate your aweber account.

  2. Please enter your Aweber username and password and click on “Allow Access” button.
  3. That’s all!! System will fetch all the list names from your aweber account. Select default List name to add subscribers.

    ARMember Aweber

    Note: You can refresh your list names anytime by clicking the link “Refresh List”. You can Deactivate the integration of your account with your system by clicking the link “Delete Configuration”.

  4. Click on Save button.
  5. Now go to ARMember->Manage Forms. Edit your sign up form. In right panel, you will see Opt-ins section. You will see list of all configured opt-ins with checkbox. Select checkbox for Aweber and select List in which you wish to add all users who will register through this sign up form, in your Awaber mail list.

Mail Chimp

Mailchimp Email Opt-in


Get API Key from Mailchimp Application

First of all login to you Mailchimp account and click your profile name to expand the Account Panel, and choose Account.

Then, Click on Extras drop-down menu and choose API keys.

You can copy an existing API key OR click the Create A Key button for creating a new key.

Please note that parameter names must be ‘FNAME’ for First Name and ‘LNAME’ for Last Name to add subscriber in Mailchimp. You will be able to verify parameters at your MailChimp Account by selecting List -> Settings -> List fields and *|MERGE|* tags page.

  1. Please Enter your “API Key” obtained from your Mailchimp account.
  2. Click on “Verify” link.
  3. That’s all!! System will verify your account and fetch all list names from your account. Select default List name to add subscribes.
  4. If you want to enable double opt-in method for Mailchimp, then select “Enable double opt-in” checkbox.

    Note: You can refresh your list names anytime by clicking the link “Refresh List”. You can Deactivate the integration of your account with your system by clicking the link “Delete Configuration”.

  5. Click on Save button.
  6. Now go to ARMember->Manage Forms. Edit your sign up form. In right panel, you will see Opt-ins section. You will see list of all configured opt-ins with checkbox. Select checkbox for Mail Chimp and select List in which you wish to add all users who will register through this sign up form, in your Mail Chimp mail list.

Constant Contact


Get API Key and Access Token from Constant Contact Application

Sign up for a Mashery account or log in.

Confirm your account, if it’s new. Than, Register an Application.

After Register an Application API Key will be assigned to your application.

Fill your API Key into this page (if not already filled in) and click Get Access Token.

Getting an access token requires a Constant Contact account. When you click on Get Access Token, Than you are taken to a Constant Contact account sign up page. Create a new account, or if you have an existing Constant Contact account (NOT your Mashery developer account), sign in.

  1. Please Enter your “API key” and “Access Token” obtained from your Constant Contact account.
  2. Click on “Verify” link.
  3. That’s all!! System will verify your account and fetch all list names from your account. Select default List name to add subscribes.

    Note: You can refresh your list names anytime by clicking the link “Refresh List”. You can Deactivate the integration of your account with your system by clicking the link “Delete Configuration”.

  4. Click on Save button.
  5. Now go to ARMember->Manage Forms. Edit your sign up form. In right panel, you will see Opt-ins section. You will see list of all configured opt-ins with checkbox. Select checkbox for Constant Contact and select List in which you wish to add all users who will register through this sign up form, in your Constant Contact mail list.

Mailster – Email Newsletter Plugin for WordPress (External Plugin Support)

Mailster Email Opt-in

ARMember provides support to this plugin only the plugin version is 2.0.20 or Higher.

If you have opt-in addon activated in your systems and you have installed – Mailster for newsletter then you will get functionality to add user to the particular list created with Mailster, at time of “registration” ( with ARMember Registration form ).

If ARMember “Opt-in” module is activated, you will get option in Signup form settings page – in right side bottom as shown in following image:

ARmember Opt-ins

So, you have to check the checkbox option and select list according your requirement (if you will not select any list then user will be added as subscriber in Mailster list - but they will not belong to any list). So, now your registered user will be added to particular list of Mailster and you will find list under Mailster - "Newsletter" Tab > Subscribers , along with user’s list detail.


GetResponse Email Opt-in


Get API Key from GetResponse Application

Login to your GetResponse Account

You can find API Key under My account > Account details > API & oAuth.

  1. Please Enter your “API Key” obtained from your GetResponse account.
  2. Click on “Verify” link.
  3. That’s all!! System will verify your account and fetch all campaign names from your account. Select default campaign name to add subscribes.

    Note: You can refresh your campaign names anytime by clicking the link “Refresh List”. You can Deactivate the integration of your account with your system by clicking the link “Delete Configuration”.

  4. Click on Save button.
  5. Now go to ARMember->Manage Forms. Edit your sign up form. In right panel, you will see Opt-ins section. You will see list of all configured opt-ins with checkbox. Select checkbox for GetResponse and select Campaign in which you wish to add all users who will register through this sign up form, in your GetResponse campaign.

Mad Mimi

Mad Mimi Email Opt-in

Please follow below steps to configure Mad Mimi API

ARMember General Settings ( Opt-ins )

  1. Please Enter your “Email” and “API Key” obtained from your Mad Mimi account.
  2. Click on “Verify” link.
  3. That’s all!! System will verify your account and fetch all list names from your account. Select default List name to add subscribes.

Get API Key from Mad Mimi Application

Login to your Mad Mimi Account

First of all Click on Account.

Than, Right Sidebar You can see API tab and click on this tab and you can see API Key.


  • You can refresh your list names anytime by clicking the link “Refresh List”
  • You can Deactivate the integration of your account with your system by clicking the link “Delete Configuration”.

Mailer Lite

MailerLite Email Opt-in

Please follow below steps to configure Mailer Lite API

ARMember General Settings ( Opt-ins )

  1. Please Enter “API Key” obtained from your Mailer Lite account.
  2. Click on “Verify” link.
  3. That’s all!! System will verify your account and fetch all group names from your account. Select default Group name to add subscribes.

Get API Key from Mailer Lite Application

Login to your Mailer Lite Account

First of all Hover your profile name to expand the Integrations > Developer API.

Than, You can see API Key.


  • You can refresh your group names anytime by clicking the link “Refresh List”
  • You can Deactivate the integration of your account with your system by clicking the link “Delete Configuration”.


Brevo Email Opt-in

Please follow the below steps to configure Brevo API

ARMember General Settings ( Opt-ins )

  1. Please Enter “API Key” obtained from your Brevo account.
  2. Click on “Verify” link.
  3. That’s all!! System will verify your account and fetch all group names from your account. Select default List ID to add subscribes.
  • Get API Key from Brevo account

  • Login to your Brevo Account
  • Click on the “User Account” link on the top right corner of the screen. and then you will see the SMTP & API menu. Click on that menu.
  • Then click on the CREATE A NEW API KEY button at the top right side.
  • Fill the detail and click on GENERATE button. that’s it.
  • After that, you can see API Key


  • You can refresh your group names anytime by clicking the link “Refresh List”
  • You can Deactivate the integration of your account with your system by clicking the link “Delete Configuration”.

If ARMember “Opt-in” module is activated, you will get option in SignUp form settings page – in right side bottom as shown in following image:

ARMember General Settings ( Opt-ins )

Conditional Subscription :

Subscriber to Opt-ins Using Conditional Subscription

Now you may want to add users conditionally, for that ARMember provides Conditional Subscription switch at Opt-ins options in form editor. When you enable this option you will get conditional area visible at there where you can set condition. Now your subscription will be subscribed only if your condition become true at front.

You can set following possible conditions.

1. Any field’s value is equals(=) to condition’s value.

2. Any field’s value is not equals(!=) to condition’s value.

3. Any field’s value is greater than(>) to condition’s value.

4. Any field’s value is less than(<) to condition's value.