Form Settings and Styles Options

Customize Registration Pages with Custom Fields

There are two sections – Basic Options & Advanced Options for form settings & styling.

In Basic options, you can manage form display direction (Horizontally & Vertically), form width, form style, color schemes & form submit actions etc..

If Opt-ins feature is enable & properly configured, you will find Opt-ins section here where you can map registration form with Email Marketing Tools. You just have to select tool & specific list name. We have internally mapped required form fields with Email Marketing Tools.

ARMember form builder options ARMember_form_advanced_options

Customize the ARMember Login Page Styling

When you are editing a Set of forms (login, forgot password, change password), you will find the basic options for each login, forgot password & change password forms. Different options are available for redirecting after the form is submitted, like messages displayed after the form is submitted, forgot password link, registration link, and social login options.

Note: Display Social Login option will only available if Social Connect / Login feature is enabled.

Register Form Options

You can display the login link in signup form by enabling the option “Display Login Link?”. also you have option to display the login form as popup or redirect to the login page.


Form Options

Here you have all main options related to form styling such as form width, form border options, padding and form background options. You have choice whether form title should be displayed or not. You can also change form title styling & position.

Color Options

ARmember provides total 12 different preset color schemes. You can also set your custom color options by clicking on paint brush icon.


Input Field Options

Here you have all inputs related options to manage styling of all the input fields like textbox, textarea, radio buttons, checkboxes etc. You can set field width, field spacing and border of normal state & active state. You can set field border size and its radius etc… You can also set spacing between two fields.

You also have other options such as text direction, font options, Calendar styling option for datetime picker controls.


Label Options

Here you will have labels related all options such as label width, position, alignment & font options. Even there is an option to hide label if you don’t want to display labels.


Submit Button Options

Here you will get all the styling related options for the “Submit Button”. You can set the button’s height & width, its border’s radius, font settings, margin, button position, etc…


Custom CSS

Add Custom CSS according to your site designing, if required.