ARMember Paid Post Shortcodes

Pay Per Post
For, WordPress Gutenberg Editor you can add ARMember shortcode as shown below:


For, WordPress Classic Editor you can add ARMember shortcode as shown below:


ARMember provides purchased paid post list and paid post payment transactions shortcodes.


This shortcode displays current user purchased paid post details.

Step 1 : Select Purchased Paid Post List option, Enter Purchased Paid Post List title of grid and Select your Paid Post Setup.


Step 2 : Select Paid Post List Label(s) which column you want to display in front and also change grid column label.


Step 3 : Select yes to display Renew Subscription Button in front.

You can change Renew and Make Payment button text and also add button and button hover css.


Step 4 : Select yes to display Cancel Subscription Button in front.

You can change button text, subscription cancelled message and also add button and button hover css.


Step 5 : Select yes to display Update Card Subscription Button in front.

You can change update card text and also add button and button hover css.


Step 6 : Enter number of records you want to display per page and message if no records found.


Preview of the Purchased Paid Post List

Here is the screenshot reference for the Purchased Paid Post List.


Possible Arguments:
title Title of grid Default: Purchased Paid Post List
setup_id Paid Post Setup Wizard ID of which you want to inherit settings( except payment gateways selected) in setup that will load when user clicks on Renew/Make Payment button.
membership_label Purchased Paid Post – Grid Column Label
membership_value Purchased Paid Post – Grid Column Label Value
display_renew_button true/false Default: false
renew_text Renew Button Text Default: Renew
make_payment_text Make Payment Button Text Default: Make Payment
renew_css CSS for Renew Button
renew_hover_css CSS for Renew Button Hover
display_cancel_button true/false Default: false
cancel_text Cancel Button Text Default: Cancel
cancel_css CSS for Cancel Button Hover
cancel_hover_css CSS for Cancel Button Hover
cancel_message Message that will be displayed when user’s paid post is canceled successfully.
message_no_record Display Message if no records found.
per_page Number of Records per Page


This shortcode displays Member’s Paid Post Transaction Details.

Step 1 : Select Paid Post Payment Transactions option and Transaction History options which column you want to display in grid and also change grid column label.


Step 2 : Select yes to display View Invoice Button in front.

You can change View Invoice button text and also add button and button hover css.


Step 3 : Enter Paid Post Payment Transactions title of grid, number of records you want to display per page and message if no records found.


Preview of the Paid Post Transactions


Possible Arguments:
title Section Heading.
per_page Number of Records per Page
message_no_record Display Message if no records found.
label Paid Post Payment History – Grid Column Label
Value Paid Post Payment History – Grid Column Label Value