Custom Common Messages

Here You can set default Error messages and Success messages required when a particular action will occur.

Go to the Common Messages Tab at General Settings to configure Error messages and Success messages. You will find following related sections to add messages:

Login Related Messages

Here you can configure Login Related Messages like, Incorrect Username/Email, Incorrect Password, Too Many Failed Login Attempts(Temporary), Too Many Failed Login Attempts (Permanent), Remained Login Attempts Warning, User Already Logged In Message, System Detected Spam Robots, and Login Failed Message for Social Connect.

Forgot Password Messages

Here you can configure Forgot Password Messages like Incorrect Username/Email, Password Reset Not Allowed, and Email Not Sent.

Change Password Messages

Here you can configure Change Password Messages like Your password has been reset, Please Enter New Password, and Reset Password Link is invalid.

Close Account Messages

Here you can configure Close Account Messages like Form Title, Form Description, Password Field Label, Submit Button Label, Empty Password Message, and Invalid Password Message.

Registration / Edit Profile Messages

Here you can configure Registration / Edit Profile Messages like User Not Created, Username Already Exist, Email Already Exist, Avatar Field Label (Edit Profile), Profile Cover Field Label (Edit Profile), Min length, and Max length.

Account Related Messages

Here you can configure Account Related Messages like Expire Activation Link, Account Activated, Account Pending, and Account Inactivated.

Payment Related Messages

Here you configure Payment Related Messages like Payment Fail (Stripe), Payment Fail (, Payment Fail (2Checkout), Invalid Credit Card Detail, Credit Card Not Authorized, Credit Card Declined, Blank Expiry Month, Blank Expiry Year, Blank CVC Number, Blank Credit Card Number, Invalid Plan Selected, No Gateway Selected For Paid Plan, Payment Gateway Inactive, Do not allow pending payment (Bank Transfer), Payment Gateway Subscription Failed Error, Credit Card Not Authorized (Online Worldpay), and Payment Fail (Online Worldpay).

Coupon Related Messages

Here you configure Coupon Related Messages Coupon Applied Successfully, Coupon Empty, Coupon Expired, Invalid Coupon, and Invalid Coupon For Plan.

Profile/Directory Related Messages

Here you can configure Profile/Directory Related Messages like Upload Cover Photo, Remove Cover Photo, Upload Profile Photo, Remove Profile Photo, Search Filter Title, Sort By (Directory Filter), Alphabetically (Directory Filter), Recently Joined (Directory Filter), Member Since, Personal Details, View Profile, Directory Search Placeholder, Directory Search Button, and Directory Reset Button.

Miscellaneous Messages

Here you can configure Miscellaneous Messages like General Message, No Search Result Found, Invalid Arguments (ARM If Shortcode), and Invalid reCAPTCHA.