Navigation menu metabox support

Login/Logout Navigation Menu

ARMember provides facility to add your forms in many ways like,

In Page (Internal)

Directly Add Shortcode to page.


External popup window

Directly Add Shortcode in page as Link/Button to open form in a popup window.

ARMember Shortcode in for popup modal

Navigation Menu Link

Directly add Link to your navigation menu from Them Appearance > Menus

Here you will find 2 navigation meta boxes, one for Member Forms and second is for the Configured plans and setup forms.

This link will open form in Modal Window Directly.


    Armember Forms

    It will give you the list of all signup forms and login, forgot password, change password forms created in your system

    Armember Configure Plan & Setup

    It will give you the list of all setup forms created in your system

    Armember Logout

    It will give you the Logout Link – That can be directly added to menu from here.

Navigation Menu Link show/hide options

Show Navigation Menu based on Membership Plan

Through this option you can set link option to whom you want to show the particular link (For example: Display to All, Only Logged in User, Only non logged in User). You can check it in following image:


This setting will work with the single links in the menu, + parent-child menu links as well. If a menu is having all the links without submenus, then each link displayed as options will work individually. And if the menu has the submenu links, then it will follow the case like (submenu will get hide when its parent is hidden according to display settings, and if the parent is shown in the menu, then the child menu link will be shown or hide as per its individual options.)

Navigation Menu Tags

ARMember provides navigation tags through which you can configure the menu names to be displayed as per the names of the members.

Following are the 5 types of Navigation Tags provided by the ARMember plugin:

  • {arm_username} This tag will replace the menu label with the Username of the logged in member.
  • {arm_firstname} This tag will replace the menu label with the First Name of the logged in member.
  • {arm_lastname} This tag will replace the menu label with the Last Name of the logged in member.
  • {arm_firstname_lastname} This tag will replace the menu label combining the First Name & Last Name of the member.
  • {arm_displayname} This tag will replace the menu label with the Display Name of the member set in WordPress.
  • You can refer to the following image regarding how to add the tags in the Navigation menu:


Important Note: These tags will replace the Menu Label for the Logged In Members. If the members are not logged in, then the menu text of these tags will be replaced with empty text.