8 of the Impressive Ways to Enhance Your Members Retention

Published in Resources December 29, 2020 7 min read
One of the major concerns of the Membership website owner is to retain the members as long as possible. Now, first and foremost, getting a member to signup, for your membership website takes a lot of effort and work as an owner of a membership website. On the flip side, your membership website needs to consider a return on investment along with the member’s retention. Having said that, making up a member to signup is one thing while keeping them subscribed for the next year or month is quite a different thing. That is why you need to plan for the strategies for the retention of a member. So, you need to strain upon how to improve your member’s subscription level. Luckily, if you can do so, then you will be able to dive more and more members into your membership website, and that will be completely a different story then! On a positive side, when your membership website stay consistent and gain more members subscription than you can benefit from a higher Return On Investment (ROI) For that, you need to step ahead to a long-term process to keep your members retention. Hence, we have made some fast forward strategies and ways that can help you enhance your Members retention for the Membership website. Let’s dig into it!

Keep focused on the Members Benefits!

Yes, you have heard it right as far as your membership website is concerned, you need to focus on your member’s benefits at first. So, how can you do that? Simply by offering them value-driven content, product, or services you offer through your membership website. Because, that way, you can ensure them that your membership website is worth subscribing to! Ahead of that, you should keep on focus to design an incentive oriented membership website to retain your loyal members. You can offer the plan specific coupon codes, social login/connect option, enabling them the badges and achievements option, and more advanced features. Have a look at the image of Badges and Achievements is displayed in ARMember WordPress membership plugin: Badges and Achievements Doing so may enhance your member’s retention rates rapidly!

Generating Flexible Renewal Programs

This is yet another thing you need to keep into consideration while building a successful membership website. There are a few of the things that you need to completely avoid things such as:
  • When your members need to re-enter their credit card payment details
  • Offering members to opt for a membership plan again after their current plan expires. Instead, a continuous or recurring membership plan can be a much more flexible option for them to opt for!
Further, if you are running a membership website built with WordPress, then you need to keep on utilizing an effective WordPress membership plugin.

Offering your Old Members with Rewards

Your old and existing members stay loyal to your membership website. Hence, it is time for you to offer them the extra content with some incentives for them. You can do so by offering them some extra perks or with advanced level content than you offer it to the newly signed members.

Creating a Limited time Membership Level!

Many members would probably not like to stick for the long term membership level plans, so if you are offering a lifetime or a yearly membership plan to your members, then alongside, you should also keep on offering Monthly/ Weekly/ or Daily membership plans so that even if your members want to cancel the lifetime or Yearly membership plan, then they can easily switch to monthly, weekly, or daily plans. This way, you can build better trust among your members through your membership website. Further, if we talk about our membership plugin for WordPress, ARMember WordPress membership plugin, then it provides the payment cycles for monthly/ weekly, yearly, or one-time payment options, whichever suits best to your members.

Keeping your Members Engaged

One of the best things that your members love is when you keep them connected as they can easily communicate with each other. Better yet, if we talk about ARMember WordPress Membership Plugin, then with the use of the ARMember Social Community Addon, your members can get engaged with other members of your membership website and build connections as well. Social Community Addon This way, you can build a great members community along with your members to let you recognized as a membership website worth staying into! On the flip side, they will also keep on sharing and engaging with your content internally with each other along with things like sending a friend request, posting comments, likes, following/unfollowing, and even private messaging. Ahead of that, this could be a surefire thing to boost your member’s retention as your members can stay connected with you and your membership website other members. Personal engagement is an important key to build your member’s trust and can feel that you care about them!

Offering Email Notifications at the Members Renewal Time

Have you ever noticed in your membership website that has their membership plans expiring and somehow forget to renew for their next subscription for your membership plan? One comes to your membership website, about to purchase a plan, but unfortunately, abandon renewal for your membership website. Isn’t it bad for your membership website? Because you are losing a member, right! Having said that, you can offer them the recurring plan options with the use of the ARMember WordPress membership plugin, as stated above. Well, you can run an email campaign that can allow you to send email notifications to your members who have their membership plans expiring soon! On the flip side, with the ARMember, you can set the custom email notifications whenever their existing plan is just about to expire, or if they have their renewal dates even if you want to send the notifications for their free trials, then you can easily do that as ARMember facilitates you to do so. All you need is to make use of the third party Email Opt-in Addons integration that is offered in the ARMember.

Providing Long Time Members a Special Treat

This could be a great way to build trust over your members as they can easily rely upon your content, product, or services if you treat them as a VIP member when they stick towards your membership website for a long time. This simply means that there should be a clear distinction between your content, product, or service offerings between your old members and your new member’s membership subscription. That would indeed make a huge difference over your old member’s mindset and they will feel having treated specially!

Offering an Easy Pricing Option

Encouraging your members with a flexible pricing option. Let’s say, for instance, if you have a pricing plan option that is quite complicated, like if you’re offering an individual plan for several modules of your content, products, or services, then you need to change that as members will feel frustrated. Instead, if you offer a flat-fee pricing model, then that is free of loopholes. Let’s say, for instance, if you are running an online course membership website. Then instead of displaying different pricing for your online course modules, you can offer them with the single pricing option for your online course modules as that way, you can assure to retain your members.

Wrapping it Up

Finally, when you will go through the above-mentioned steps and apply them to your membership website, then you will be able to surely improve the member’s retention. Did you find this article a useful read? Then, you should better take your few minutes so that you can learn more about member retention and drive more members sign-ups. Leave your valuable thoughts in the comment box given below!
Brain Denim

Brian Denim

Meet Brian, a WordPress expert with a decade of experience in web development and a passion for technical writing, watching movies, and camping.

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