Which Membership Model is Best for Your Business Using ARMember?

Published in Business October 16, 2021 6 min read
Are you all geared up to transform your WordPress site into a fully functioning membership site? As much as picking the right membership plugin like ARMember is crucial, opting for the suitable membership model is equally essential to entertain your users, retain them, and make profits. Now comes the next question. Don’t all memberships offer the same? No, you get various membership models with ARMember providing a wide range of services. You can pick and choose the most appropriate membership model suiting your business and client’s needs. Often even businesses offering the same services might need different membership models. What is working for your competitor may not be working for you. It is because they may produce unique content, their clients may vary, and so on. Hence, businesses should look into various factors before finalizing their membership models. Today, we are here with some membership models that ARMember has in store for you. So, now you can pick the most suitable model that works the most for your business. But, before that, as a business owner, you have to be clear about your business objectives. Hence, you can go for the best suitable membership model matching your business needs.

What are your Business Objectives?

No one knows your business goals more than you. So, ask yourself, what exactly do you want from your membership site? Do you want to sell your digital products or digital services? Or are you looking for a subscription model for your side hustle? Or, you just want to limit some of your unique content and sell it to your customers with a premium option? Finding the answers for the above-said questions itself will make your way half clear. The next thing to focus on is your revenue goals. Is this membership site your primary source of income or side hustle? Rethink and be sure with business and income goals. Thus, you can choose the better membership model delighting your clients and achieving your business goals.

How to Choose the Best Membership Model for your Business Using ARMember?

The ideal membership model for your business depends on the kind of products/services you sell. Thus, there is no one right membership model for all. It will vary with businesses and their goals.

Digital Services

Are you selling your services, providing a subscription plan for a particular service? In this case of recurring payments, you can go for the subscription model that comes with ARMember. It allows you to set up flexible subscriptions and charge your clients periodically. Subscription models are ideal for recurring payments as it benefits both businesses and clients. For instance, if you offer any graphic designing or copywriting services, opting for a subscription model will be ideal. With this model, you can get a stable income, while the clients need not worry about long-term payments and can renew their subscription anytime to avail of your service in the future.

Digital Products

Does your business sell digital products? Are you into selling eBooks, graphics, software, photography, video, or similar? So, you may want people to download your content or consume it online. In general, you can deliver digitally downloadable products once the user purchases them. Upon payment, you can send the unique download link to users via email or in their dashboard. You can either allow the members to download specific products per month or give them access to all your products for a flat monthly, yearly, quarterly rate. Multiple billing cycles model from ARMember offers custom billing cycles allowing users to subscribe to products for a month, year, quarter, and more.

Premium Content

Does your business render high-quality premium content that can benefit many? You can provide multiple options for users to access your content and can make money through various streams. For example, you can set one fixed price for the entire package of your premium content. Thus, you can opt for charging your members for once model and offer them all your content unlimited. It is ideal for coaches, teachers who sell complete packages. Another ideal model for premium content is Set up Lifetime of Finite Membership. With this model, you can provide access to your premium content forever or for a limited period. Thus, you can adjust your content according to the preferred pricing model.

Digital Courses

If you are offering digital courses, choosing the ideal membership model is mandatory to attract potential users. Always provide multiple membership options as users will have diverse needs. Some may want to upgrade their skills by joining a digital course, while others may want a career out of it. Hence, offer them various course structures and payment methods. You can charge a fixed price for one particular course with charging your members for once model. Or, you can go for multiple billing cycles model and allow users to pay monthly, quarterly, or yearly to access your digital courses. Else, you can opt for Charge per Post model, and permit users to access specific content of your course. Thus, you can upsell extra content or offer the content only when users need it.

Web apps / SaaS

Web apps/Saas products are sold at a monthly or annually recurring rate in general. Often, yearly subscriptions will have discounts, unlike monthly subscriptions. Members upon subscription can access web apps/Saas products online for their preferred period. Mostly, they will have to pay a recurring fee to access the product online and receive support and updates. Businesses can customize such software products to meet specific user needs. Hence, you can opt for Parallel memberships subscription of ARMember, allowing users to subscribe to multiple memberships together.

VIP memberships

VIP membership is an age-old concept to attract members by offering discounted products and asking users to pay a VIP membership fee upfront. It can be a one-time fee or a recurring fee every month or year. Whatever you provide, one prime advantage a user can enjoy is some drastic discount. As we discussed in the earlier paragraph, ARMember has membership models for one-time, recurring fees, monthly, and also yearly subscriptions. One can leverage this VIP membership concept for selling digital products/ physical products as well.

Wrapping Up

So, there is no one size fits for all; while choosing a membership model for your business. Some of you may run a side hustle with limited time and resources, while other entrepreneurs may have a dedicated business. Both of your business and revenue needs are different, and so are your membership models. But ARMember has membership models for all. Either you are individual offering digital services or an established business selling digital products, it has diverse membership models suitable for everyone. Hopefully, this blog would have been a handy guide to know about the various membership model that comes with ARMember. Being clear with your business vision and mission, you can choose the most suitable membership model meeting your business and client needs. By opting for the most appropriate membership model, you can scale up your business, stay competitive and generate an excellent return on profits (ROI) for sure.
Brain Denim

Brian Denim

Meet Brian, a WordPress expert with a decade of experience in web development and a passion for technical writing, watching movies, and camping.

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