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Posted by admin last updated on July 22, 2024


Reports To view the report of all members, payments and coupon report, Go to the ARMember -> Reports menu from the admin interface. From the above screen you can view the overall count of the Registered Members and Payments done in your site. It will display Total Members and Payments and Recent Members and Payments […]

SMS Notification Addon

Posted by admin last updated on July 23, 2024


Important Note:This add-on will work with ARMember Version 3.3.3 or grater. Steps For Installation And Activation You can install plugin in following two ways. and ARMember – SMS Notification plugin requires ARMember Plugin installed and active. New install via FTP Download the plugin and extract it. You will find a directory armembersms. In your WordPress […]

Add Private Content for User

Posted by admin last updated on July 22, 2024


How to Configure & Use the User Private Content inbuilt Addon with the ARMember Pro Plugin Add Private Content From the above screen you can add the private content for the users. When the admin adds custom content for a user, then the private content will be enabled for the users by default, but as […]

User Private Content

Posted by admin last updated on July 22, 2024


How to Configure & Use the User Private Content inbuilt Addon with the ARMember Pro Plugin To add user wise specific content at your website, “User Private Content” section will available when you activate “User Private Content” from ARMember -> Add-ons User Private Content features is used to display custom content for user. If you […]

Member Network Site Addon

Posted by admin last updated on July 23, 2024


How to Configure Member Network Site Addon with ARMember Pro Plugin Important Note: This Addon will only work if ARMember plugin is installed with version 3.2.1 or higher Important Note: This Addon will only work if WordPress Multisite Network is enabled at your website. This plugin lets you allow your users to create, delete, activate/deactivate […]

Online Worldpay Addon

Posted by admin last updated on July 23, 2024


This Add-on will add payment option for ARMember plan with one time payment & plan with subscription payment. Important Note:This add-on will work with ARMember Version 3.2.1 or grater. Steps For Installation And Activation You can install plugin in following two ways. and ARMember – Online Worldpay plugin requires ARMember Plugin installed and active. New […]

How to use ARMember Plugin with Gutenberg

Posted by admin last updated on July 20, 2024


How to Configure Gutenberg Block Restriction inbuilt addon with the ARMember Pro plugin ARMember Blocks use for the new Gutenberg block editor. For this you need to create a page and use ARMember Blocks click on block and use two blocks different blocks Membership Shortcodes and Restrict Content Shortcodes How to use Membership Shortcodes? Click […]

Social Community Addon

Posted by admin last updated on July 23, 2024


How to Integrate & Use Social Community Addon with ARMember Pro Plugin Important Note:This add-on will work with ARMember Version 4.4 or grater. Steps For Installation And Activation You can install plugin in following two ways. and ARMember – Social Community plugin requires ARMember Plugin installed and active. New install via FTP Download the plugin […]

PayStack Addon

Posted by admin last updated on July 23, 2024


How to integrate Paystack Payment Gateway with ARMember Plugin This Add-on will add payment option for ARMember plan with one time payment & plan with subscription payment using PayStack Payment Gateway. Important Note:This add-on will work with ARMember Version 3.0 or grater. Steps For Installation And Activation You can install plugin in following two ways. […]

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